Originally known as the Kochevar building in 1904, Called the Rainier Wine House. That original building being a wooden structure subsequently burnt down. Which was then rebuilt and reopened in 1917 as The Rainier. This new structure is said to be the first brick/concrete building in Enumclaw. Starting a new trend in town structures that didn’t burn down as easily.

According to Ernest Kochevar’s oral history his dad was working for Rainier Brewery and began a beer wholesale distributorship in the Rainier sometime in 1913. In the 1970s, it was said to be the first and the oldest distributor of the Rainier Brewery in the state.

1623 Cole Street the Kochevar building or now known as the Rainier Bar and Grill has been operating as the longest known Wine House, Tavern, Bar and now Bar and Grill in the same location in the city of Enumclaw.

The back bar in the Rainier Bar and Grill was built by a Chicago company Brunswick-Balke-Collender. This back bar was built in 1897 and said to have been originally shipped around Cape Horn and up to a bar in Anchorage Alaska. Its said that sometime in the 1930’s that the bar was shipped down from Alaska and Landed in its current location at the Rainier Bar and Grill. The building was recently updated, but the original bar still stretches across the interior.

The tiny beauty shop between the bar and the second business was said to be originally designed as a staircase for a second floor that never materialized.

When The Rainier became available in 2005, Jeff and Debbie Schweter saw the immense potential to revamp an old watering hole into a bustling family friendly bar and grill. With a vast history of restaurant experience, the business partners rolled with the punches of a small town economy, regulars unaccustomed to no longer tossing their peanuts on the floor and the special requests for more of “this” and less of “that.” Fifteen years later and going strong as ever Jeff and Debbie have listened to their customers and found an equation that works in the beautiful and expanding city of Enumclaw. The couple are thrilled to be taking baby steps away from the business as their daughter, Jillian is taking steps forward, determined to maintain the great name The Rainier Bar and Grill has made for itself.